Weird Dream.....

Yesterday night, I suddenly dreamt of My Lion left me at the night when I'm sleeping soundly...
When I wake up, I found out that my lion is gone... and feel very sad..
And then the dream ends and I wake up, is time to work... zZZZZ..

I wonder when I have an lion, haha... I do wish I could have one.. :p
Sorry, I know I am abit insane... xD
This dream is so weird.. That's why I put as my title "Weird Dream"...
Don't know why I still feel the sad feelings now... ><" Maybe I should ignore it.. Is just a dream right.... Yea, I hope it is...


2 코멘트 (Comments)

  1. same to me for a dream like that... but mine isnt a lion.. jz i forgot wat creature is that.. *.*


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